Imagine landing in Costa Rica and being greeted by a friendly local woman who already knows your name and interests.  En route to your lodge, she chats knowledgeably about some of the sights you will see during your trip. 

When you arrive at your lodge you are pleased to discover simple, but luxurious, site-sensitive accommodations owned and managed by locals.  The meals are superb and from your congenial hosts, you learn even more about the natural and cultural highlights of the area.

The next day your local guide arrives and you head out for a hike in the famous rainforest.  During your walk, your guide explains the ecology of the forest and shows you its hidden wonders.  The next several days are equally as stimulating, educational and exciting.  You have the opportunity to see rare animals and birds, visit seaside habitats and attend fascinating cultural events.  You even make friends with a local craftsman and his family, who invite you to dinner at their home.  

When the time comes to return home, you take with you memories of one of the most fulfilling travel experiences of you life along with the knowledge that your visit helped preserve and conserve the natural and cultural features of the area for future travelers.  

For the past ten years, the Society’s members around the globe have been creating destinations, lodges and tours that can challenge and fulfill your passions and purpose.  

TIES Members have:

    Designed rainforest tours where visitors walk high in the canopy on suspended walkways to look at rare birds and other natural wonders without harming the fragile forest floor or the trees.

    Designed and built environmentally friendly lodges on remote tropical islands without damaging the coral reefs or native animal habitats.

•    Protected mountain gorillas, harpy eagles and humpback whales by bringing only small groups to wild domains and ensuring that travelers' fees go directly toward conservation of these endangered species.

•    Created enriching workshops in which travelers visit ancient monuments in the company of archaeologists, learning about the latest discoveries.

•    Worked with native peoples to help them save their land and their heritage in the face of global economic and industrial threats.

Choosing to travel with TIES member tour operators and ecolodges 

is an informed choice that can make a world of difference both to you and to the planet.  

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 © 2001 The International Ecotourism Society Burlington, VT USA

No part of this content may be reproduced, distributed or posted without the express consent of The International Ecotourism Society.